Sats App from Casa - an overview

Sats App is no longer available for download, but will still run if you already have the app installed on your phone.

Sats App is the easiest way to use bitcoin and the Lightning Network on iOS and Android, with rewards features focused on increasing adoption of bitcoin, Lightning, and cyberspace nodes.


Sats App lets you connect to your Casa Node wherever you are, whenever you want.

We've worked to make this process as simple as possible by using the Tor Network. With Tor, communication to your node is encrypted by default, and each node has a unique Tor address that doesn't change. Those are the bones needed to build a secure, easy-to-use connection feature from Sats App to your node.

Click here to learn how to link your node to Sats App.


The SatsTag is a human-readable, pseudonymous username that you can optionally link with your Casa Node address, making it easy to transact with your friends just like you would expect to with other payment apps today.

Click here to learn more about SatsTags.

SatsBack Rewards

The SatsBack Reward program has been discontinued and payouts are no longer being made.

The SatsBack program, when it was active, was a way to earn bitcoin satoshis by taking simple, everyday actions like sending a heartbeat to your node to ensure it's online.


The Heartbeat feature in Sats App is an easy and fun way to check on the connectivity and health of your node.

Click here to learn more about Heartbeat.

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